

Hello friends! So this installment of my blog I will be talking about my baptism and all of the events that led up to it. Continuing from my last post I had decided to get baptized, little did I know at the time that wasn't possible, I was living with my boyfriend at the time so I wasn't doing the right thing. I was so upset and I cried, right in front of the Elders I was so humiliated and so upset. They then offered a blessing, and I took it, and in that blessing Heavenly Father told me that everything would work out. I continued to receive the lessons and I really was struggling with the whole coffee thing, but I did it. Then something in our lives changed and due to some unforeseen circumstances happened and he had to move back to his dads and live there, so I was able to finally get baptized and so we had another set of Elders come over and he interviewed me for my baptism and I filled the paperwork out and we set the date for October 28th, 2017. On that day I woke up at ab


Hello Friends! This is my first week so please bear with me as I work out the kinks of writing again. In this weeks story time, I'm going to write about missionaries, the reason for my writing about missionaries is because they were the reason that I came to Christ's true church.  It was in late August when my boyfriend at the time and I were driving to my work because I had to work, he then recognized the missionaries at the 7-11 and he's been a member his whole life, and he said  "I want to talk to them"  then I proceeded to say "just do it" so he did and we pulled up to the 7-11 he told me to write down our address and his phone number so I did on the scrap piece of paper that I had in my work back-pack and then he got out of his red 2017 Ford Mustang and went up to him, a few days later Elder Jared Hurst and Elder Mark Johnson came over and taught us the restoration of the gospel and Elder Johnson said "If God's love never changes then woul


Hello friends! This blog is going to be my personal journey from my conversion, it's also going to be my story!  So, a little bit to introduce myself, I'm Kimmie, I am 20 years old. I've been a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for almost 6 months and I've never been happier! I will try my best to post once a week!  The verse for this post is Ether 12:4  "Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God" The beginning of my conversion story will be posted on Saturday or before  - Kimmie <3