
Hello Friends! This is my first week so please bear with me as I work out the kinks of writing again. In this weeks story time, I'm going to write about missionaries, the reason for my writing about missionaries is because they were the reason that I came to Christ's true church.
 It was in late August when my boyfriend at the time and I were driving to my work because I had to work, he then recognized the missionaries at the 7-11 and he's been a member his whole life, and he said  "I want to talk to them"  then I proceeded to say "just do it" so he did and we pulled up to the 7-11 he told me to write down our address and his phone number so I did on the scrap piece of paper that I had in my work back-pack and then he got out of his red 2017 Ford Mustang and went up to him, a few days later Elder Jared Hurst and Elder Mark Johnson came over and taught us the restoration of the gospel and Elder Johnson said "If God's love never changes then wouldn't we still have prophets and apostles on the earth today?" and thats when I knew that my life would be forever changed. 
Fast forward to my first week at church, I felt really nervous as I got ready to go to church for the first time and when we got there I felt scared but I felt like it was the right place to be. I was welcomed in the church with open arms, I was thinking to myself "wow, these people are so kind and friendly" and I definitely didn't feel judged at all. 
I went through the service and just felt a feeling that I'd never felt before in my life and I knew that I wanted to be a part of the church. We then went to gospel principals class and I honestly don't remember what lesson we had but I just remember wow this is amazing 
After a few more lessons I had made the decision that I wanted to be baptized 

This is all for this week! I'm sorry to leave you at a cliff-hanger but, I want to make baptism all one post because there was a really long process to get baptized which I honestly will probably upload on Saturday, April 28th when I hit my 6 months!

Thank you for reading! 
The quote for today is by Elder David R Bednar "Conversion unto the Lord requires both persistence and patience"
-Kimmie <3


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